The Factory Outlet - Kolkata - Camac Street - Restaurant Review - 5/5

Someone rightly said, "If there is heaven on earth then it is here, it is here, it is here." Well that was said for Kashmir and now i can say the same for this restaurant known as The Factory Outlet.

The Factory Outlet - Kolkata - Camac Street - Restaurant Review - 5/5 - Yogesh Goel

Seems we made the right choice and right decision at the right time. We went on Sunday and during lunch and to our very surprise it was empty. Only we, we and we.

We were greeted heartily by everyone present from the entrance to the seating. We were amazed by the decor and loveliness of the place and the balance of colours it had all over.

This joint is run by people who run the Ivory and this restaurant has been cut from the space from the Ivory. Probably they wanted to diversify and hence they opened this.

We got whatever seat we wanted and we started ordering right away. For the first time ever we ordered a salad which was highly recommended by our server. The salad is named Mushroom and black olive cocktail salad with choice of egg topping. It arrived and the presentation will simply make you keep staring it forever. Even better was the taste. Simply yum and delicious. Our craving for something better increased.

Then we ordered Strong off Veges and Farmer style Nachos. Let me tell you both were yum and simply perfect and amazing. Now we were getting full but then we want to have more of good things and again for the first time we ordered a dessert Hot gooey chocolate pudding and we did hit the jackpot. My wife and I would give anything in the world to have that kind of stuff again and again. Seemed that the person who made it has poured his/her heart out on the whole concept. Simply out of the world and I would recommend it to the whole world to at least try once. This thing is still running in our minds. If we had capacity in our bellies then we would sure have had the same thing again.

This also is the first time that we totally went by the words of the server Mr. Sudhir and it actually got us worth the money and time. Whatever he recommended we had and we think it was the best decision we could have ever taken. Thanks to the generosity of Mr. Sudhir who understood us and gave us some mind-blowing options which we would not have otherwise tried for ourselves. Thank you for your patience and time for us.

It was a heavenly experience and now I can say "If there is heaven on earth then it is here, it is here, it is here." Kudos to one and all of The Factory Outlet. Hats off to your perfection. Even the bill was served in style. Lovely simply wondrous.

Highly recommended and a must visit. Full marks for everything. Simply perfect. Below are the pictures which will show you exactly what I am talking about.

The Factory Outlet - Kolkata - Camac Street - Restaurant Review - 5/5 - Yogesh Goel

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